Matlab App Workspace With Redux After installing Redux on a Mac, you’ll need a Redux Environment. To do that, select Settings > Apps, open up a window > Applications and drag and drop your application in there. A second window will open with a dialog box, that informs you then about the Redux environment on your Mac. You can then start running the Redux Environment from scratch using a custom hostname. Using the environment settings as Redux To make things a little easier for other customers, you can define some environment variables within a line of your own configuration files, such as your environment variable PATH variable and your environment variable REDDIT variable. Within these variables, you can define the context of your environment, including a way to define what events happen within your application. The following example does this using the Redux environment’s configuration, which is configurable within /etc/ # # Create all your zones for this domain config = “redux-autodiscover.conf” sessionA = “” sessionB = “” sessionC = “” sessionVisible = true Notice that, only because of the context variables, the current configuration automatically supports all the changes made to the environment itself.